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marți, 28 februarie 2017

Mărțișor @ AEEC

Mărțișor (Romanian pronunciation: [mərt͡siˈʃor]) is a Romanian celebration at the beginning of spring, on March the 1st in Romania, Moldova, and all territories inhabited by Romanians. Alike, though not identical customs can be found in Bulgaria (see Martenitsa), while similar ones exist in Albania and Italy.
The word Mărțișor is the diminutive of martie, the old folk name for March (Martie, in modern Romanian), and thus literally means "little March". It is also the folk name for the month.
Mărțișormarț and mărțiguș are all names for the red and white string with hanging tassel customarily given on the 1st day of March. The string can also be black and white or blue and white). Giving this talisman to people is an old custom, and it is believed that the wearer will be strong and healthy for the year to come. It is also a symbol of the coming spring. Usually, both women and men wear it pinned to their clothes, close to the heart, until the last day of March, when they tie it to a fruit-tree twig. In some regions, a gold or silver coin hangs on the string and is worn around the neck. After wearing it for a certain length of time, they buy red wine and sweet cheese with the coin, according to a belief that their faces would remain beautiful and white as cheese and rubicund as the wine, all year.
In modern times, and especially in urban areas, the Mărțișor lost most of its talisman properties and became more a symbol of friendship, love, appreciation and respect. The black threads were replaced by red, but the delicate wool string is still a ‘cottage industry’ among people in the countryside, who comb out the wool, dye the floss, and twist it into thousands of tassels. In some areas, the amulets are still made with black and white string, to ward off evil. Related to Martisor and also symbol for spring in Romania is the snowdrop flower. (source:

Un mit povestește cum Soarele a coborât pe Pământ în chip de fată preafrumoasă. Dar un zmeu a furat-o și a închis-o în palatul lui. Atunci păsările au încetat să cânte, copiii au uitat de joacă și veselie, și lumea întreagă a căzut în mâhnire. Văzând ce se întâmplă fără Soare, un tânăr curajos a pornit spre palatul zmeului să elibereze preafrumoasa fată. A căutat palatul un an încheiat, iar când l-a găsit, a chemat zmeul la luptă dreaptă. Tânărul a învins creatura și a eliberat fata. Aceasta s-a ridicat înapoi pe Cer și iarăși a luminat întregul pământ. 
A venit primăvara, oamenii și-au recăpătat veselia, dar tânărul luptător zăcea în palatul zmeului după luptele grele pe care le avuse. Sângele cald i s-a scurs pe zăpadă, până când l-a lăsat pe tânăr fără suflare. În locurile în care zăpada s-a topit, au răsărit ghiocei — vestitori ai primăverii. Se zice că de atunci lumea cinstește memoria tânărului curajos legând cu o ață două flori: una albă, alta roșie. Culoarea roșie simbolizează dragostea pentru frumos și amintește de curajul tânărului, iar cea albă simbolizează ghiocelul, prima floare a primăverii. (sursa:

luni, 27 februarie 2017

Impressions on the National Olympiad of Economists in Training, the XI Edition

                                                              Ioana Mușat and Cristian-Marius Dumitru-Vlădulescu

"Before you do something great, do something perfectible" - Bill Gates

During the three years of college, I responded to every opportunity - both professional and personal - through which we have been opened new horizons of development. Participation in scientific sessions, visits to various companies in business, attending courses on abilities development, have been instrumental to strengthening our knowledge.
Our desire to develop both professionally and on a personal level has led us to participate in the National Olympiad of Economists in Training – the XI Edition. This marked our last year of college by living an unique experience. To achieve the research project, it took a lot of work, teamwork and innovation. The support of our teacher coordinators was very important, as they were with us both to support and advice on the project. Being the first time I participated in the Olympiad in the 3 years of college, our emotions and stress have been raised several issues that we have successfully overcome. Following this participation, I had the opportunity to know wonderful people, colleagues from around the country who have made projects each more interesting, allowing us to find new information in various economic fields. Therefore, in addition to the experience gained from this participation, I learned many new information from other presentations.
The theme of our work was "The effects of transport activity on the environment". I chose this topic because it is an area that I thought out in the faculty, and sparked our interest because transport is in constant development and its environmental damage is overwhelming. One of our strengths, namely practical applicability, was part of our project, and we managed to correlate the Eviews programme, with the amount of greenhouse gases and the number of cars. After presenting the project, we have been eagerly awaiting the results, hoping that our work be rewarded. When we heard the name uttered by the committee for "Applicability Award" experienced feelings reached the peak, from emotion to enthusiasm, from satisfaction to delight. We were proud to have represented the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental successfully in this Olympiad. Also, we were so grateful to the evaluation committee as our work was crowned with a victory, and our coordinators who guided us to this success.
In order to relax after the busy day, we gathered everyone: participants, organizers and committee in an exceptional location, where we had dinner and enjoyed a well-deserved concert.
The experience lived at the National Olympiad of Economists in Training was one that certainly we will not ever forget. Therefore, we decided to describe it with a quote that really motivates us: "Before you do something great, do something perfectible" (Bill Gates). We consider that to be perfect you have to put a lot of work, to be tenacious and have the desire to learn. This Olympiad was a "solid brick" for our future.
Thanks to coordinators (Assist. PhD. Alina Zaharia And Professor Negrei Costel, PhD), organizers and everyone involved in the smooth running of the event.

luni, 13 februarie 2017

Registration on Agrifood and Environmental Economics Club (AEEC)

Are you a student at the Agrifood and Environmental Faculty from the Bucharest University of Economic studies and you wish to study actuality topics with your colleagues and your professors?
Complete the registration form and join in at the programmed meetings.


Înscrieri Agrifood and Environmental Economics Club (AEEC)

Ești student la Facultatea Economie agroalimentară și a mediului din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice din București și îți dorești să cercetezi teme de actualitate alături de colegii tăi și cadrele didactice? Completează formularul de înscrieri și participă la întâlnirile programate.
Nu uita să dai Like la pagina și să ceri includerea în grupul pentru a putea fi mereu la curent cu noutățile.

IECS 2017 Student Section

Studenții Facultății Economie agroalimentară și a mediului, membri ai AEEC, sunt invitați să participe la Conferința Internațională IECS 2017 Student Section, care va avea loc la Păltiniș, în perioada 9-10 mai 2017.